Pec pod Sněžkou
Contemporary Problems of Low Temperature Physics
is an off-site seminar for Bc. students in the beautiful region of Pec pod Sněžkou with the highest Czech mountain Sněžka (1603 m).
The seminar will be held from 7.5.2025 (Wednesday) to 12.5.2025 (Monday). The number of places is limited. In order to register for the seminar, enroll in the course NFPL180 within the summer term registration period, or contact us via mail to arrange for an extraordinary enrollment.

The program is organized as an introduction to various aspects of low-temperature physics, hyperfine interactions and nuclear methods in solid-state physics for beginners and involves a description of current scientific investigation in low-temperature physics. The lectures are given in the Czech language, however, a minority of them could be given in English by foreign-language specialists.
Lectures cover:
- Temperature scale and the role of temperature in physics. Low-temperature physics and topics of investigation.
- Basic properties of 4He and 3He, liquefaction, thermal insulation, Dewar vessels, cryostats. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein quantum statistics. Ideal Bose gas, Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). Ideal Fermi gas, Fermi liquid. Phase diagrams of 4He and 3He, superfluidity, hydrodynamics and quantized vortices. 3He-4He mixtures, dilution refrigerator. Adiabatic demagnetization, nuclear demagnetization. Thermometry.
- Superconductivity - basic properties, ideas and application. Josephson phenomena. High-temperature superconductivity.
- Physical properties of solids at low temperature. Metals, insulators, semiconductors - phonons, electrons, holes. Introduction into energy spectrum, valence and conduction band. Debay temperature. Quantum Hall effect. Magnetism at low temperatures. Nuclear magnetism, Van Vleck paramagnets.
- Nuclear methods in condensed matter physics. Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance - Larmor precession, Bloch equations, spin echo. NMR in magnetics, hyperfine interactions. Nuclear magnetic imaging. High-resolution NMR. Nuclear orientation. Mössbauer spectroscopy. Positron annihilation.
Schedule 2024
Report on the year 2020
Výukové a školicí středisko UK Praha
Velká pláň 159
542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou
Instructions for participants: