- helium bath cryostat by Janis Research with perpendicular arrangement of γ-rays with respect to the external magnetic field, temperature range LHT-RT, magnetic field up to 6 Tesla, standart velocity range ±12 mm/s (in preparation - in situ measurement of NMR spectra)
- helium bath cryostat by Oxford Instruments with parallel arrangement of γ-rays with respect to the external magnetic field, temperature range LHT-RT, magnetic field up to 7 Tesla, standart velocity range ±12 mm/s
- MS furnace MBF-1100 by WissEl
- diamond anvil cell Diacell SymmDAC by Almax easyLab
- ~150 μm focussing polycapillary optimized for 14.4keV energetic beam
- micro electric discharge machining system (EDM) by Hylozoic Products for gasket preparation
- ruby photoluminescence manometry system up to ~100 GPa Optiprexx PLS by Almax easyLab
- 100X magnification binocular stereoscopic microscope with HD camera